Learn More About the People, Places, and Activities That Make the Outer Banks Special
Every week you'll receive emails from the Outer Banks containing stories, updates, and helpful information. I'm sure you'll learn something new and, hopefully, have a laugh with us.
Stay Connected to the Outer Banks
If you love the Outer Banks you'll love getting weekly stories, updates, and information.
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Every week you'll receive an email in your inbox containing a very short story. Some are true, but some are better.

Every week we'll post a podcast either talking to a local legend or sharing a behind the scenes experience regarding the Outer Banks.

Friday Posts
Every Friday we send out a post called Ready for an Outer Banks Weekend. In it we'll share activities, updates, weather, and funny observations.

We'll share personal experiences with local businesses and services, as well as gear/equipment we think you'll find useful around here.

But There's More