Ready for an Outer Banks Weekend, 9/20/24
Sep 20, 2024
Bye, Summer
Saturday is the last day of summer. Before you pack your swimsuit for a winter's nap be sure to jump in the water, get a sunburn, track sand in to your house, use the outdoor shower, grill outside, and enjoy a beer while watching the sun set. You'll thank me in a few months.
No More Gas Cars?
Before the haters of electric cars chime in, know that Norway is in the Top Ten for Happiest Countries.
The Norwegian government has said it hopes its tax incentives — which are funded in large part by the money the country makes selling oil and gas to other countries — will allow Norway to end all new gas and diesel vehicle sales by next year.
I wonder if radicals are warning the public that "the government is going to take away your gas cars!"?
Take My Money
The designated driver is a train engineer! I wonder if the last stop is in front of a nice hotel?
Song I Can't Stop Playing
I'm not crazy about all of Roy Orbison's songs but I do acknowledge his amazing talent. Ooby Dooby hits the sweet spot with energy and a rockabilly rhythm.
Throwdown Surf Classic, 9/21/2024
This annual event has become a locals standard to promote amateur surfing competition for our youth while raising money for those in need.
Crabdaddy Seafood and Wine Festival, 10/5/2024
Local food, wine, and beer served with a side of live music and entertainment. Tickets on sale now.
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Small Print
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Have a great weekend,
John Van Lunen
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