Ready for an Outer Banks Week, 9/30/2024
Sep 30, 2024
Yes, again. Friday morning I was excited to sit down at the computer and submit the latest post. Feeling organized and with plenty of time, my excitement quickly disappeared as I found the internet unresponsive. Just a first-world problem as our neighbors in the western part of the state dig themselves out of a giant mess. If you can donate, consider giving to The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina.
Do Not Pet The Sea Slugs
Another reason to stay out of the ocean.
Longboards -> Two Roads Tavern
Longboards Grill in Kitty Hawk is permanently closed. The rumor is that Two Roads Tavern will be moving in. Not sure if they are relocating from the Seagate North Shopping Center or adding a location. Either way, hopefully Two Roads can continue to put out a great product in the bigger space.
Masala Grill
Masala Grill is leaving their spot in Point Harbor and have indicated they will be relocating someplace yet to be determined.
The current location has been snake-bit for a long time. After sitting idle for many years it opened up as a simple burger joint with fried food. Local boaters enjoyed having a very casual option with access from the water. For reasons unknown to me the owner attempted to upscale the menu and experience. I think they, and all of their successors, have struck out because they wanted something shiny. I hope the next tenant keeps it simple and promotes the water access to the locals.
Two Events at the Pea Island Cookhouse, 10/5/24 and 10/13/24
Learn about the Freedmen's Colony and celebrate the creation of the Outer Banks United States Life-Saving Stations.
Bluegrass Island Music Festival, 10/16-20/2024
A great opportunity to enjoy country music in an outstanding, outdoor venue.
Southern Shores Fall Community Yard Sale, 10/19/2024
Come out and see what the retirees are getting rid of.
If you know someone who would enjoy these weekly posts please share this link with them so they can sign-up for my email. Cheers!
Small Print
Should you use any of the links to purchase something I may receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. Cheers again!
Have a great week,
John Van Lunen
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