Ready for an Outer Banks Weekend, 3/10/23 bears outer banks taste of the beach travel vacation Mar 10, 2023

True Story: Thanks to good neighbors and good timing.

I have a plastic roof vent that dried up and broke in to a thousand pieces leaving me with hole in my roof. Because procrastination is a dominant gene in my DNA I put plastic sheeting over the hole until I could purchase a new vent. Several...
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Insider's Guide to Budget Camping On The Outer Banks of North Carolina camping cape point frisco hatteras nags head ocracoke oregon inlet outer banks Mar 06, 2023



The Barrier Islands of North Carolina are significant in their geography, location, and history.  Having lived on the Outer Banks since 1997 with three kids we've had a lot of fun as weekend warriors exploring the area.  As budget-friendly campers we usually pitch a...

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Ready for an Outer Banks Weekend, 3/4/2023 5k beer nags head sanctuary vineyards wine Mar 04, 2023
PE teachers are like crazy sadomasochists. I know because I used to be one. We love to suffer and we constantly think of ways to make others suffer.
I mentioned this to my wife and she says she's been suffering for 28 years. Coincidentally, that's how long we've been married.
I think it's a...
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Ready for an Outer Banks Weekend, 2/17/2023 Feb 17, 2023
I Need To Know
How did my black shirt become a hair magnet? I wore it for years and never had a problem. Next thing I know the molecular structure changes and it becomes an attractant to all things hairy. I pull it out of the dryer and it's covered with hair. You'd think Bigfoot wore it to bed....
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Ready for an Outer Banks Weekend, 2/10/2023 bbq recycling vineyard Feb 10, 2023
Viking Funeral
I told my wife I wanted a Viking Funeral when I die. Put me in a boat, float it out in to Ginguite Creek, and set it on fire. She said, "Why wait? I'm free tomorrow."
Needless to say, my sleeping location is now classified information.
Proud of my friend, Will...
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Ready for an Outer Banks Weekend, 2/3/2023 Feb 04, 2023
Black History Month Edition
As February was getting closer I thought it would be interesting to list local places of significance for Black History. This is a list I personally selected and, if available, added web links to provide you a starting point.
First, there is an...
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Ready for an Outer Banks Weekend, 1/20/23 Jan 20, 2023
Support a small, Carolina brewery that supports the Cape Hatteras National Seashore. Read the link and learn more about Carolina Brewery's affinity for the Outer Banks.
PS, I'm a big fan of their Copperline Amber Ale.
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Steamers Restaurant Jan 15, 2023

Southern Shores doesn't have many dining options, but Steamers Restaurant may make up for it.  Located in a small shopping center called Southern Shores Crossing, this restaurant always impresses me with its cleanliness, professionalism, and good food.  Sit at the bar, ask for a table...

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Ready for an Outer Banks Weekend, 1/13/23 Jan 13, 2023
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Meat-head Steve on Jet-ski Patrol Dec 27, 2022

I spent 25 years in the watersports business. The most basic observation I could make was that if you combine testosterone with boats, things rarely go well.

Steve was a good worker but he was a bit of a meat-head. He was naturally strong. Muscularly strong and strong willed. When he surfed, he...

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